Our sexuality is one of the most powerful forms of expression known to (wo)men. It provides us with energy, relaxation, joy, temptation, seduction, sensuality, encounters, ecstasy and so much more. The sexual unison forms the fundament of our existence and survival.
This makes sexuality a theme that lies close within our hearts; closely related to the being within us. It is wonderful, real, exciting, nice, intimate and vulnerable. Not something we share easily and openly with anyone, but something that remains a sensitive topic and is often rarely talked about.
Yet we still see and hear sexual display all around us. Society is filled with sexuality and often it is used to obtain goals that have little to do with the theme itself. This does not serve us to explore our sexual experience and knowledge.
With the IAMSEXUALITY platform, TENCLUB proposes to unveil this taboo-afflicted theme by giving space to the intelligence, sensitivity and openness it deserves. Anyone with the desire to learn more about their sexuality is welcome at our lectures/discussions, gatherings and workshops.
The platform is non-profit, open-source, and fuelled by co-creation; everybody is welcome to contribute to the learning curve!
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The heartbeat
Creating a platform like this requires a lot of commitment and love. Fortunately, quite some souls resonate with the importance of this effort and contribute wherever they can. Naming and updating all the supporters would be a lot of work and our focus lies elsewhere at the moment. Nevertheless knowing who is behind the platform might be pleasant to some, therefore we named the main contributors below, they keep the heart beating.
What would become of our world if we would ask more questions? What if not judgements, comparisons and shoulds and shouldn’ts would steer our actions but utter curiosity?
Tenclub is a members club for people who envision such a world. Who by embodied experience tend to make more sense of this world; with self-realisation as a side-effect.
Members are welcomed to share their fascinations. This is how the IAMSEXUALITY platform came into being. Learn more about Tenclub.